Guest Speaker – Des McAuliffe

Des McAuliffe from Dornan Group kindly came in to the GROWTHhub today to speak to 4th year construction management and quantity surveying students.

Dornan Group in an Irish engineering and construction management company with clients rights across Europe.

Des’ presentation focused on disputes and the various forms of dispute resolution available. 

Des delivered a great presentation, which our students found very insightful.

Many thanks to Des McAuliffe  for speaking to us, and to Jason O’Riordan for organising the talk.

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Turn Waste Into Worth by Lynn Haughton

This years Inspire Fest holds a range of exciting activities. We have invited Lynn Haughton, Founder of The Upcycle Movement to talk to us about the power of upcycling and the impact it can make. 

To show us a world of possibilities, Lynn is hosting a fun action packed design sprint titled ‘Turn Waste into Worth’. This is a bookable event so don’t miss out.