Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting Stijn Bollinger and Ritie van Rooijen; two senior lecturers and researchers from Utrecht, the Netherlands. 

Stijn and Ritie kindly walked a group of our lecturers through an engaging workshop about uncertainty and how to make uncertainty productive. Lecturers were asked to consider an uncertain situation in their own lives and consider the “Alarmbells”, “Triggers”, “Anchors”, “Energisers” and “Action Steps” associated with these situations.

While partaking in the workshop, our lecturers gained many useful tools and techniques to pass on to their own students. These new-found techniques were soon put to the test, as the lecturers were tasked with delivering the workshop to two groups of students on the Bachelor of Business (Hons) course. There was a great atmosphere in the GROWTHhub, with students and staff working together to create a positive sentiment surrounding uncertain situations.


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